School Vision and Mission Statement
Scoil Phádraig, Corduff is a co-educational Catholic school. As a Roman Catholic school, we aim to promote the full and harmonious development of all pupils cognitive, intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual needs, including a living relationship with God and other people, while acknowledging and respecting other cultures and religions.
Scoil Phádraig, Corduff is a caring, inclusive, learning environment where each pupil is welcomed, respected, valued and facilitated in reaching their full potential as a unique individual.
We strive to enable each pupil to develop their skills, through access to the curriculum, to the best of their ability in a safe, happy and stimulating environment. We aspire to create learning opportunities and experiences for all pupils, to prepare them for further education and life-long learning. We endeavour to recognise and acknowledge the talents and abilities of each pupil. Scoil Phádraig promotes excellence in teaching and learning.
The school will strive to promote, both individually and collectively, the professional and personal development of teachers through staff development programmes.
A high standard of behaviour is expected and an atmosphere of respect and fairness for all in our school is fostered to create a cooperative and productive environment for learning.
Parents are their children’s primary educators, and we promote learning partnerships between school and home. We aim to work together and value the contribution of everyone. Our local community play a vital role in the children’s education and life-long learning in Scoil Phádraig.