Scoil Phádraig is an integral part of the community of Corduff. The newly built Scoil Phádraig opened its doors in 1986 to its first pupils. Although this was an extremely joyous occasion for Corduff, it was also tinged with sadness as it also signified the end of an era following the closure of the two existing schools – Sreenty N.S. and Corduff N.S.
The solemn blessing of the building was performed by Rev. Dean Morris. Rev. Fr Beggan presided at the ceremony and formally welcomed the Minister and other distinguished guests and all the parents, teachers, pupils, families and friends who had come to join in this historic event. Rev. Dean Morris read a special prayer, in which he expressed the wish that the new school would always be the “home of truth and wisdom”. Then the Minister for Health, Carrickmacross man, Dr. Rory O’ Hanlon TD performed the official opening.
Master Brian McDermott, School Principal thanked the distinguished visitors including the Minister, Department and OPW representatives, clergy and parents, as well as the local councillors and local people, all of whom shared in the pleasure of their achievement. He said he owed a great debt of gratitude to the people of Corduff, Sreenty and the surrounding areas who had provided such first class school facilities in which he and the teachers were now teaching (Mrs Brigid Mc Nally, Mrs Kathleen Murray, Mrs Margaret Duffy). He also thanked the local Ladies Committee who looked after the catering of the excellent refreshments provided for all after the ceremony.

At the conclusion, Fr Beggan stated that it was a great achievement for all involved to provide such a fine school and that he was pleased that so many of those who had contributed to the project in one way or another had joined them for the official opening. He extended special thanks to Fr. Peter Mc Guinness whose terrific negotiating and organizing efforts contributed to making this dream of a new school a reality.
The new school comprised four classrooms, a general purpose room and ancillary accommodation. In the intervening years the school building has been carefully maintained and refurbished, including the installation of new PVC windows and a new roof.
In September 2013, the school was extended to include an additional classroom and accommodation for SEN teaching. In 2016 the outdoor play area was upgraded with the provision of an All Weather playing facility at the rear of the school. The school was once again extended in 2020 to include a new front entrance, SET room and an additional classroom. We now also have an modern outdoor playground for the whole school community to enjoy.