Fáilte Romhaibh
Fáilte is céad go suíomh gréasáin Scoil Phádraig!
Welcome to Scoil Phádraig’s website.
I hope your visit will assist you in gaining some insight into our school life. The teachers, parents and Board of Management of Scoil Phádraig are committed to providing a happy, child-centered, environment for our students and we have tried to capture as much of this as possible on our website for your enjoyment. We also hope that it provides you with essential school information.
Beir bua agus beannacht
Ms. Clare O’Reilly (Principal)
School News
Junior Infants
We would like to welcome our fifteen bright and enthusiastic students into Junior Infants. We hope that their journey with us is filled with long lasting happy memories.
Welcome Back
We are looking forward to welcoming you all back tomorrow, Wednesday 28th August. We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer.
Summer Holidays
We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer. Sincere thanks for your support over the past year. School reopens on Wednesday 28th August 2024.
Mission Statement
We aim to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment where each child can develop and learn to his/her full potential.
The individuality of each pupil is valued and respected at all times.
All pupils will be encouraged to develop their own particular skills and talents. Our aim is to promote the development of the whole child – intellectual, physical, spiritual and social.
We strive to maintain the highest professional standards in teaching and learning at all times. We value the support and co-operation of parents and recognise their important role as the primary educators of their children.
In Scoil Phádraig, we embrace the Catholic Tradition. We guide our pupils towards a deeper understanding of the reality of God’s love in their lives.
We hope each child entrusted to our care will grow up to be an independent, caring and respectful member of society.
Applications for enrolment will be processed in accordance with our School’s Admission Policy. Our Admission Policy complies with the requirements of the Education Act 1998 and the Equal Status Act 2020. Our Admission Policy was approved by our Patron in September 2020.
An Admission notice will be published annually, on the school website and in our local Parish Bulletin. Download an Enrolment Application Form below. Completed forms may be returned by hand to our school office, by post and by email.